Andy Lambert (Bass Guitar)
Ten Questions with Bassist Andy Lambert.
1. When did you give your life to Christ and how did it happen?
I grew up attending The Fifth Ave. Church of Christ in Lancaster, Ohio. I had many people there influence my Christian faith. Also my grandmothers, and my family were a great influence. At a church camp when I was either in the seventh or eighth grade, I felt a very strong pull toward God, and Jesus. Shortly after that, our church had a revival, and I accepted Christ, and was baptized.
2. Besides God's Dirt, what other ministries have you been involved in?
I have played in a few other Christian bands, and have played keyboards, guitar, and bass in worship bands at Fifth Ave. Church of Christ, and at The Bridge in Lancaster, OH. I am also one of the elders at The Bridge.
3. What is your favorite God's Dirt song and why?
My favorite song is probably "Jesus Rides". I like the message of it, and it really rocks, and is fun to play!
4. What is your "day job"?
I am the IT administrator at the Municipal Court in Lancaster, OH.
5. What are some of your favorite hobbies and interests?
I love playing music. Playing different instruments, and learning new things on all of them. I also like flying RC airplanes, helicopters, and drones, and playing around with RC cars and trucks. I also enjoy going for rides on my bicycle, working out, and kayaking and being out on a lake, or river relaxing or fishing.
6. What and who are your greatest musical influences?
I've listened to, and played all kinds of music throughout the years. Everything from gospel quartet music, to country, bluegrass, rock, blues, and classical music. I've probably taken a bit and each style, and worked it into what I play today.
7. Who were the people that inspired your interest in music the most?
All of my music teachers, in school, and in private lessons. Started off playing clarinet in school, and then picked up the guitar, then bass, and finally took piano lessons for a few years. Each teacher taught me different styles of music, theory, and rhythms, and they were all wonderful experiences.
8. What was the best gig you ever played and why?
Probably the times we played out in Great Bend, KS. Just traveling out there, the people, the fellowship with everyone in the band, and the people there, it was all a wonderful experience!!
9. What is the best advice you would give a young musician?
Keep trying, and be patient with yourself. I can remember when I started playing the piano. I wished I had started playing it a lot earlier than I did, but I started, and I can remember playing one of the two-handed beginner pieces. I was upstairs, and kept playing it over, and over, and over again, and just getting frustrated at myself for not being able to play it correctly. I was actually thinking "Why am I doing this"? "I'm never going to be able to do this". But, I kept working at it again, and again, and finally was able to play it. Seems like once I got past that first hurdle, I was able to have more confidence in myself learning more and more difficult pieces of music. Just keep trying, and don't give up!! Take a break now and then, and then start again when you are trying to learn something difficult.
10. What is your favorite piece of musical equipment you own and why?
Probably my Roland RD2000 stage piano that our drummer Bart sold to me! That thing rocks!! Thanks Bart!!
11. What is your favorite concert you have ever attended as a fan?
Probably seeing Jeremy Camp in concert a few years ago, and seeing the band Kansas out at the Anaheim Amphitheater in California many years ago.
12. What is the most enjoyable thing about playing for God's Dirt?
I love the people in the band, they are all very talented, and we have great times together! I also love meeting all of the people we play for. Seeing all of the different backgrounds of people, but coming together to worship Jesus, and God as one!!
13. What is your greatest accomplishment outside of God's Dirt?
Meeting and marrying my wife Carol, and the families that we share together.
14. Where do you like to go to get away from it all?
The beach, and any lake where I can toss my kayak in, and paddle around for a while!!